Sunday, April 05, 2015

Kensei Yonzon's Thornfall Alliance

FRONT ROW L-R: Rorsh, Targ, Sturm & Drang, Dr. Arkadius, Lord Carver, BMMD, Esq. III, Helga the Conqueror, Midas, Saxon Orrik, Maximus
BACK ROW: Bone Grinders, Razorback Cannon Crew
Slaughterhousers and Farrow Brigands
FRONT ROW: Razor Boars x10
SECOND ROW: Gun Boars, Goraxes, Boneswarms, and Brine
BACK ROW: War Hogs, Road Hogs

More pics of Kensei's Thornfall Alliance force after the page break (including updated pics)!

Kensei Yonzon unlocks an achievement - the first fully-painted Thornfall Alliance army in the Philippines! It also has to be noted that he freehanded each and every rune on the bases! Amazing!

All photos by Kensei Yonzon. Originally posted on WMH Philippines.

Kensei updated his photos with some better-quality shots of his Thornfall Alliance on Facebook last March 29, 2015.

Thornfall Alliance warlocks
Lord Carver, BMMD, Esq. III - my favorite warlock and the reason I got into pigs. One of the first minis I painted, taking me longer than what it normally takes these days.
Dr. Arkadius - painted by Bakero Fish as his entry to a painting competition. I loved it so much I bought it off him and is the only model in the army I didn't paint myself.
Helga the Conqueror - Still a few patches I'll need to touch up, but done for the foreseeable future. the one warlock I have yet to play.
Midas - Poor Midas lay assembled and unpainted for years until I got the impetus to paint up my pigs.
Sturm & Drang - Unlike Midas, I got this guy painted up within a day of getting him.
Maximus - Solos probably deserve more love, but at least he's painted.
Saxon Orrik - This was the last model I painted before the long hiatus until I finished my army so I was more in a rush to finish than anything. as you can tell, that head under his boot is still unpainted. I'm going to pretend it's a black rock for now.
Rorsh & Brine - These guys were slapped on with splotches of paint when my three-year old daughter fiddled with my paint station, so they have some patch on work in various places.
Razorback Cannon Crew
Bone Grinders - Three year gap between the red and black unit vs the purple and white unit. I got even lazier, apparently. I might run the new units over with some washes.
Farrow Brigands - Newly painted unit on the right.
Farrow Slaughterhousers - Newly painted unit on the left.
War Hogs - Strawhouse, Woodhouse, and Brickhouse
Road Hogs - Crash & Burne
Gun Boars - Smith & Wesson
Boneswarms - Rattle & Hum
Goraxes - Jeckyll & Hyde
Razor Boars - Painted in two separate sessions. Note how six have cork basing.

Thanks for reading and in advance for the +1! For any comments and questions, please feel free to post on the Comments section of this post.

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