Tuesday, April 28, 2015

WMH at the Fright Zone

Grilled goodies, hearty drinks, great gaming and all-around cheer at the Fright Zone! Good times!

Battle Foam! Sponsor us! Photo by Kim Navarro

Level 83! Yeah it was a birthday bash x grill day x WMH game day. Photo by Kim Navarro

Fright Zone's better half and newest offspring. Photo by Kim Navarro

Fred Escalona, Garrick Lee and Tim Cheng. Photo by Kim Navarro

Chilling with the boys! Photo by Kim Navarro

Yeah, we should do this more often. Photo by Kim Navarro

Fright Zone tables! Photo by Kim Navarro

My Khador deployed. Photo by Kim Navarro

Fred Escalona's Bloody Barnabas and Blindwater Congregation. Photo by Kim Navarro

I always knew these two together would make for a pretty sight! Good to be right sometimes. Photo by Kim Navarro

Conquest engages the Blindwater Congregation fist first! Photo by Kim Navarro

Dick Sy's Skorne going up against two Colossals! Photo by Kim Navarro

Strategic product placement! Sponsor us! Photo by Kim Navarro

Let the ground shake! Photo by Kim Navarro

What's going on here? Photo by Kim Navarro

Skorne's Mammoth ready to throw down against Khador's Conquest! Photo by Kim Navarro

Firepower from both sides shatter the battlefield! Photo by Kim Navarro

Trollblood forces take a swift foothold in the Fright Zone, battling through Cygnaran forces but Hoarluk Doomshaper, the Rage of Dhunia, proved to be a formidable opponent to General Adept Sebastian Nemo. Skorne forces were spread thin, crashing against Mercenaries and Khador. Were it not for Khador's Koldun Kommander Zerkova, the Trollbloods would have had a solid grip in the Fright Zone.

Thanks for reading, following and +1 for this blog! Good luck, have fun and play like you've got a pair!

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