Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Celebrating the Chinese New Year in the Philippines means an official holiday. And having no work, means a chance to play some pretend war! Sadly I am on "budget mode." Seeing games being played at Emperador and Bacolod, I just had to get something going, too. With that, I broke out the table and got ready for some Solitairemachine!
Here's some metal mangling with
Kommander Orsus Zoktavir (Butcher2) vs
Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey (Vlad3); 50PC Close Quarters
Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey's Charge Of The Horselord (T3) with Conquest, War Dog, Gun Carriage, Greylord Outriders (leader and 2 grunts), Iron Fang Uhlans (leader and 2 grunts), Fenris, two Man-O-War Drakhuns (both without dismount). Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Kommander Orsus Zoktavir with two Spriggans, War Dog, Greylord Ternion (leader and 2 grunts), Kayazy Assassins with Underboss (leader and 9 grunts), two units of Kayazy Eliminators, a unit of Widowmakers, Gorman Di Wulfe, two Manhunters, Widowmaker Marksman and Yuri the Axe. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Arcane Dementia roll of 1. This does not bode well. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Greylord Ternion advance and cast Blizzard on the two Manhunters and Yuri the Axe. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Manhunters and Yuri the Axe run up the field. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Kommander Orsus Zoktavir casts Fury on one Spriggan. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
The rest of Kommander Orsus Zoktavir's force advance up the field. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey allocates one focus to Conquest. The Gun Carriage advances, takes shots at Stealth Assassins and Eliminators. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
One lucky drift and Gorman Di Wulfe was taken down! Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey activates, casts Infernal Machine on Conquest, advances and casts Hand Of Fate on the Greylord Outriders. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
With the Charge of the Horselords benefit, Conquest runs up 16" forward. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
The rest of Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey's force moves up the field. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Dropped Fury on Spriggan. Rolled 5 on Arcane Dementia. Activated Kommander Orsus Zoktavir, casted Fury on Yuri the Axe. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Yuri the Axe and the two Manhunters charge Conquest! Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Kayazy Eliminators charge and take down an Iron Fang Uhlan. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Widowmakers and Widowmaker Markman take Sniper shots on one Man-O-War Drakhun. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Eliminators run up and engage the Outriders. Assassins take down the wounded Man-O-war Drakhun. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
The rest of Kommander Orsus Zoktavir's force move further up field. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey upkeeps Hand of Fate on the Outriders, drops Infernal Machine on Conquest, allocates three focus on Conquest. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
The Gun Carriage advances and drops shots on the Widowmakers. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Hand of Fate Greylord Outriders advance up and cast Frostbite, downing the Kayazy Underboss and several Kayazy, including Assassins and Eliminators. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Vladimir Tzepesc, Great Prince of Umbrey activates and casts Hand Of Fate on Conquest and Dash. Man-O-War Drakhun advances through some woods and downs Yuri the Axe. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Iron Fang Uhlans keep the other Kayazy Eliminator team engaged while Fenris charges and takes out two of the Greylord Ternion. The remaining Greylord Ternion fails his Command check and is fleeing. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Conquest tramples through two Manhunters, taking out one of them, and ending trample moment engaging Kommander Orsus Zoktavir. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Conquest deals a good amount of damage on Kommander Orsus Zoktavir. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
End of Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey's turn. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Kommander Orsus Zoktavir gets 4 focus from Arcane Dementia. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
The Widowmakers and Widowmaker Marksman take shots at the Gun Carriage. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Kommander Orsus Zoktavir casts Fury on himself and charges the Conquest, failing to bring it down by only a few more damage points! Before he ends his turn, Kommander Orsus Zoktavir uses his feat, Feel The Hate. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
The Kayazy Assassins make a spread out charge against multiple enemies. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
The Kayazy Assassins scrap what remains of the Conquest! Kommander Orsus Zoktavir gains one Rage token as an extra bonus. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
The Kayazy Assassins deal damage! Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
The other Spriggan dismounts Fenris. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
With the single Rage token, the Spriggan takes out the Drakhun. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
End of Kommander Orsus Zoktavir's turn. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey goes for casterkill! Hand Of Fate on himself, Dash for the crucial extra inch and several Flashing Blades later, Kommander Orsus Zoktavir still stands with four damage points remaining! Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Dash Manhunter charges the Kayazy Assassins, dropping one of them. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Fenris charges one Spriggan, dealing damage to the warjack. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
The Gun Carriage tramples forward, hitting nothing. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
End of Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey's turn, his remaining forces locked in attrition melee. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Will this be enough to bring down Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey? Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Boosted attack roll... miss! Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Second attack deals 10 damage, reducing opponent's damage down to 8. Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
Last attack brings down the Great Prince! Kommander Orsus Zoktavir victorious! Photo by Kim Navarro (PG shink1m) |
50PC Khador's Kommander Orsus Zoktavir victorious against Khador's Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey via assassination!
Thanks for reading and in advance for the +1! For any comments and questions, please feel free to post on the Comments section of this post.
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